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x86_64 Tcp Server


I like reversing things, and being a reverse engineer means being a computer geek who knows lots of things’ internals. And knowledge of assembly is one of them. So we will make a simple assembly project. Since there are many resources about assembly, I don’t want to explain basic things like what does the mov instruction do. Instead, I will suggest you some resources and kindly ask you to study them first. After reading this blog post, - assuming I am not terrible at explaining stuff :) - you will have a basic understanding of:

  • Properly using and understanding the stack,
  • Calling conventions,
  • Using rep instructions,
  • Writing code for different platforms by using NASM preprocessor,
  • Doing syscalls.

By saying assembly, I am referring to x64 assembly.

You can find the source code in here.


  • To understand things covered in this post, you should have at least a basic understanding of assembly.
  • You should know what are sockets. If you did socket programming before, you would probably understand every syscall easily.



System Calls are used to call a kernel service from the userland. The goal is to be able to switch from user mode to kernel mode, with the associated privileges.

For example, when we call printf in C, or print in Python, it calls the write system call to print something to the standard output. Or when we want to open some file in C, we call open system call.

So we will start by doing a super simple ‘Hello World’ application by calling the write system call.

The prototype of the write function is like this:

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

Making a syscall in C is super simple, you pass the correct arguments and call the correct function. But calling a function properly in assembly is a little bit different. We cannot call a syscall like this:

syscall write(1, buffer, 10)

Firstly, system calls are not like regular functions. We trigger an interrupt to make the OS take care of the system call. And secondly, write(1, buffer, 10) like C won’t work in assembly because there is no mechanism to pass the parameters magically in assembly. So we need to know how the kernel expects the parameters. The calling convention of x86_64 System V ABI is like this (these are the ones that we will use, for more detail please go to the reference):

  • Parameters are put in registers rdi, rsi, rdx from left to right.
  • The stack pointer (rsp) needs to be 16-byte aligned at call.
  • The return value should be put to rax.
  • rbx, rsp, rbp should be preserved. This means that they must be the same before and after the function call.

As I said earlier, system calls are not like regular function calls. We are requesting a service from the operating system. To make a system call, we need to provide to kernel the syscall that we want to make. Like write or open. And then we can make the system call. We can specify the system call by putting the number of the system call to rax before making the system call. You can find 64-bit system call numbers of Linux in here.

As you can see, the number of write system call is 1. Here is an example usage of write system call:

; export the main symbol so that `gcc` can find it
global main

section .text

    ; write(stdout, HELLO_STR, 14)
    mov rax, 1          ; Syscall number of `write`
    mov rdi, 1          ; Stdout
    mov rsi, HELLO_STR
    mov rdx, 14         ; Length of HELLO_STR

    ; exit(0)
    mov rax, 60         ; Syscall number of `exit`
    mov rdi, 0

section .data
    db "Hello, World!", 10, 0  ; "Hello, World!" followed by a newline and the null character.

Let’s run it:

nasm -f elf64 hello_world.s && gcc hello_world.o -o hello_world

$ Hello, World!

DIY: Take input from stdin by using read syscall and print the string that you read. Hint: You use resb to allocate a buffer or make enough space on the stack and use the stack.

Using the NASM Preprocessor

As you can see, we put 1 for write and 60 for exit to rax. Is it really necessary to memorize these numbers or look at the table each time? Of course not, like in C, we will use the NASM’s preprocessor to define those numbers.

Let’s create a file named defines.s.

%define EXIT 60
%define READ 0
%define WRITE 1
%define CLOSE 3
%define ACCEPT 43
%define SOCKET 41
%define BIND 49
%define SETSOCKOPT 54
%define LISTEN 50

%define STDOUT 1

Now we can include this file and change the syscall with the corresponding names.

%include "defines.s"
    mov rax, WRITE
    mov rax, EXIT

Another reason that we use the preprocessor is to make it super easy to write code for both OS X and Linux. There are some small differences between the OS X and Linux (of course there are huge differences but I am talking about our little program):

  • System call numbers,
  • Some data structures,
  • Name of the ‘main’ function,
  • OS X requires a base number that needs to be added to each system call.

Let’s enhance our definitions by using the conditionals:

; Like in C, if we compile our code by defining PLATFORM_OSX, first part will be active, otherwise the `elif` part will be active.
    %define SYSCALL_BASE 0x2000000
    %define EXIT 1
    %define READ 3
    %define WRITE 4
    %define CLOSE 6
    %define ACCEPT 30
    %define SOCKET 97
    %define BIND 104
    %define SETSOCKOPT 105
    %define LISTEN 106
    %define SYSCALL_BASE 0
    %define EXIT 60
    %define READ 0
    %define WRITE 1
    %define CLOSE 3
    %define ACCEPT 43
    %define SOCKET 41
    %define BIND 49
    %define SETSOCKOPT 54
    %define LISTEN 50

%define STDOUT 1

; We don't want to add the base number every time we make a syscall,
; this is a nice way to prevent that.

And also, on OS X, the compiler expects _main symbol to be exported. So we need to make it conditional as well.

DIY: Update hello_world.s to run for both OS X and Linux

Here is the final version of hello_world.s:

%include "defines.s"

global main
global _main

section .text

    ; write(stdout, HELLO_STR, 14)
    mov rax, SYSCALL(WRITE)
    mov rdi, STDOUT          
    mov rsi, HELLO_STR
    mov rdx, 14

    ; exit(0)
    mov rax, SYSCALL(EXIT)
    mov rdi, 0

section .data
    db "Hello, World!", 10, 0  ; "Hello, World!" followed by a newline and the null character.

Now, we need to specify the platform on the compilation, and there is a small tweak that we need to do for OS X. So let’s create a shell script to ease the build.




if [ "PLATFORM_OSX" = "$1" ]


for f in ${FILES[@]}
    echo 'Building: ' $f
    nasm -d$PLATFORM -f $FORMAT $f.s
    OBJ_FILES+="$f.o "

echo "Linking $OBJ_FILES"
    gcc -Wl,-no_pie $OBJ_FILES -o hello_world
    gcc $OBJ_FILES -o hello_world

The script gets a platform specifier and compiles each file in FILES list for the target platform.

Let’s run it:

chmod +x

# For Linux

# For OS X


Creating a Socket

To create a socket, we need to use socket system call. Here is the prototype of socket:

int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
  • domain argument specifies a communication domain. Since we want to use IPv4 internet protocols, we want to use AF_INET - which expands to 2 - for this. AF_INET is defined in sys/socket.h.

Hint: You can print the value of things by writing a C program or use an IDE or a text editor with an extension to jump to the definition of something. For example, I am using neovim with coc.

  • type will be SOCK_STREAM - which expands to 1 - for a TCP connection.
  • protocol will be 0 since we use a single protocol.

In socket.s:

%include "defines.s"

%define AF_INET 2
%define SOCK_STREAM 1

; Export the `socket_listen` function
global socket_listen

section .text

    ; socket(rdi: AF_INET, rsi: SOCK_STREAM, rdx: 0)
    mov rax, SYSCALL(SOCKET)
    mov rdi, AF_INET
    mov rsi, SOCK_STREAM
    mov rdx, 0

Now we can find the created socket descriptor on rax register.

Binding a Socket

To assign an address and a port to a socket, we need to make a bind syscall. Here is the prototype of bind:

  • sockfd is the socket’s file descriptor which is returned from the socket syscall.
  • addr is a pointer to the address information.
  • addrlen is the length of address information.

Until this point, we only deal with values and not pointers. But this time the addr parameter points to a location that stores the actual data. So we need to reserve some space for the data. If we would use C, we would probably define addr as a local variable like this:

struct sockaddr_in addr;
// ...
bind(.., &addr, sizeof(addr));

As you might know, non-static local variables are reserved on the stack. But before reserving a space for addr on the stack, we actually need to reserve a space on the stack for our function which is generally called as the stack frame.

Properly Setting Up the Stack Frame

Each function generally has its own stack frame. I am saying generally because some optimization might omit allocating the stack process. This stack frame is used to store our local variables and return addresses. Let’s say the main function calls foo function. Right after the call happens, the stack would look like this:

       | Lower Addresses        |
rsp -> | return address of main |
       | some local variable    |
rbp -> |                        |
       | Higher Addresses       |

The call instruction pushes the return address of main to the stack. Because think about it, how would the CPU know, which instruction to return to otherwise? The part of the stack that is between rsp and rbp is called a stack frame. Right after the call, the stack frame is the main function’s stack frame. To reserve a stack frame for foo, we do this:

  1. Save rbp. Because we need to restore it before we return from foo. Otherwise, we would lose main function’s base of the stack.
  2. Move rbp to rsp. This would move the base of the stack frame of foo on top of the stack frame of main.
  3. Reserve the necessary space by decrementing rsp.

After doing the above steps, our stack will look like this:

       | Lower Addresses        |
rsp -> | reserved               |
       | reserved               |
rbp -> | saved rbp              |
       | return address of main |
       | some local variable    |
       | Higher Addresses       |

And to return from the function, we will restore the caller’s stack frame not to mess things up.

  1. Move rsp to rbp. This will make us discard all the reserved space.
  2. Pop rbp. By doing this, we will restore the saved rbp and, since pop increments rsp we will also restore the rsp.
  3. Execute ret. This will pop the return address to rip so that the program will continue to execute the caller function.

Reserving addr On Stack

Let’s properly set up the stack and reserve enough space for addr.

struct sockaddr is a generic data structure and for IP-based communication, we need to use struct sockaddr_in. If we use C, we would use struct sockaddr_in and case it to struct sockaddr * when we call the bind function. On Linux, the definition of struct sockaddr_in is like this:

struct sockaddr_in {
    short          sin_family;
    unsigned short sin_port;
    struct in_addr sin_addr;
    char           sin_zero[8];

If you go to the definition by yourself, you will see some fancy stuff. This is a simplified version.

  • sin_family will be AF_INET like we did before.
  • sin_port will be the port number in network byte-order.
  • in_addr is an unsigned long and it will be INADDR_ANY.
  • sin_zero will be bunch of zeros.

In C, you can assign a variable with the equal sign and do not care about the size. But in assembly, we need to put the variables in the correct place, in the correct order, in the correct size.

Since the size of the struct sockaddr is 16 bytes, let’s start improving our function by reserving 16 bytes.

    ; Set up the stack frame
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    ; Reserve 16 bytes on stack
    sub rsp, 0x10 

After that, let’s correctly fill the reserved space for the address.

    mov word [rsp+0x0], AF_INET
    mov word [rsp+0x2], 23569      ; port 4444 in network byte-order.
    mov dword[rsp+0x4], INADDR_ANY
    mov qword[rsp+0x8], 0          ; zero out `sin_zero`

There is a thing that we need to do. On OS X, the definition of struct sockaddr_in is like this:

struct sockaddr_in {
    __uint8_t      sin_len;
    __uint8_t      sin_family;
    __uint16_t     sin_port;
    struct in_addr sin_addr;
    char           sin_zero[8];

As you can see, now the size of sin_family is 1 byte and a new field called sin_len which is the size of addr is added. So we need to use conditional assembly in here.

    mov word [rsp+0x0], AF_INET    ; 2 bytes family
    mov byte [rsp+0x0], 0x10       ; size of the `addr`
    mov byte [rsp+0x1], AF_INET    ; 1 byte family
    mov word [rsp+0x2], 23569      ; port 4444 in network byte-order.
    mov dword[rsp+0x4], INADDR_ANY
    mov qword[rsp+0x8], 0          ; zero out `sin_zero`

Now we can call bind.

%include "defines.s"

%define AF_INET 2
%define SOCK_STREAM 1
%define INADDR_ANY 0

global socket_listen

section .text

    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    sub rsp, 0x10

    ; socket(rdi: AF_INET, rsi: SOCK_STREAM, rdx: 0)
    mov rax, SYSCALL(SOCKET)
    mov rdi, AF_INET
    mov rsi, SOCK_STREAM
    mov rdx, 0

    mov word [rsp+0x0], AF_INET    ; 2 bytes family
    mov byte [rsp+0x0], 0x10       ; size of the `addr`
    mov byte [rsp+0x1], AF_INET    ; 1 byte family
    mov word [rsp+0x2], 23569      ; port 4444 in network byte-order.
    mov dword[rsp+0x4], INADDR_ANY
    mov qword[rsp+0x8], 0          ; zero out `sin_zero`

    ; bind(rdi: socket, rsi: addr, rdx: sizeof(addr))
    mov rdi, rax
    mov rax, SYSCALL(BIND)
    mov rsi, rsp
    mov rdx, 0x10

You might not see it at first but we have a problem in here. socket returns the created socket descriptor in rax and bind returns the status code in rax as well. So after we call bind, we lost the returned socket descriptor. So let’s save it to rbx before we call socket. We are saving it to rbx because we know that it will be preserved as it said in the calling convention.

We are expecting rbx to remain unchanged but also the function that calls socket_listen expects rbx to remain unchanged. So we need to save it before we change it so that we can restore it later.

%include "defines.s"

%define AF_INET 2
%define SOCK_STREAM 1
%define INADDR_ANY 0

global socket_listen

section .text

    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    push rbx       ; --> NEW: save `rbx`
    sub rsp, 0x10

    ; socket(rdi: AF_INET, rsi: SOCK_STREAM, rdx: 0)
    mov rax, SYSCALL(SOCKET)
    mov rdi, AF_INET
    mov rsi, SOCK_STREAM
    mov rdx, 0

    mov rbx, rax  ; --> NEW

    mov word [rsp+0x0], AF_INET    ; 2 bytes family
    mov byte [rsp+0x0], 0x10       ; size of the `addr`
    mov byte [rsp+0x1], AF_INET    ; 1 byte family
    mov word [rsp+0x2], 23569      ; port 4444 in network byte-order.
    mov dword[rsp+0x4], INADDR_ANY
    mov qword[rsp+0x8], 0          ; zero out `sin_zero`

    ; bind(rdi: socket, rsi: addr, rdx: sizeof(addr))
    mov rax, SYSCALL(BIND)
    mov rdi, rbx  ;  --> NEW
    mov rsi, rsp
    mov rdx, 0x10

Listening on a Socket

Now we need to listen for connection on the socket. Prototype of listen is:

int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
  • sockfd is the socket descriptor that is returned from socket.
  • backlog argument defines the maximum length to which queue of pending connections for sockfd may grow. We assign this to 5 just in case.
    ; listen(rdi: socket, rsi: backlog(5))
    mov rax, SYSCALL(LISTEN)
    mov rdi, rbx
    mov rsi, 5

And we can finally restore the stack and rbx and return.

    ; Set the return value to the socket descriptor
    mov rax, rbx
    ; Restore rbx
    mov rbx, QWORD [rsp + 0x10]
    ; Properly return from the function
    mov rsp, rbp
    pop rbp

Catching Failures

As you might know, system calls might fail. So we need to detect them before making a new call.

Here is how we can do that:

    ; Save the stack's base pointer.
    push rbp
    mov rbp, rsp
    push rbx
    sub rsp, 0x10

    ; socket(rdi: AF_INET, rsi: SOCK_STREAM, rdx: 0)
    mov rax, SYSCALL(SOCKET)
    mov rdi, AF_INET
    mov rsi, SOCK_STREAM
    mov rdx, 0

    ; Socket returns <0 on failure.
    cmp rax, 0
    jl .socket_failed

    ; Save the returned socket descriptor.
    mov rbx, rax

    mov word [rsp+0x0], AF_INET
    mov byte [rsp+0x0], 0x10
    mov byte [rsp+0x1], AF_INET

    mov word [rsp+0x2], 23569
    mov dword[rsp+0x4], INADDR_ANY
    mov qword[rsp+0x8], 0

    ; bind(rdi: socket, rsi: addr, rdx: sizeof(addr))
    mov rax, SYSCALL(BIND)
    mov rdi, rbx
    mov rsi, rsp
    mov rdx, 0x10

    cmp rax, 0
    jl .bind_failed

    ; listen(rdi: socket, rsi: backlog(5))
    mov rax, SYSCALL(LISTEN)
    mov rdi, rbx
    mov rsi, 5

    cmp rax, 0
    jl .listen_failed

    ; Restore the socket to return.
    mov rax, rbx
    jmp .ret

    mov rsi, SOCKET_FAILED
    jmp .err_msg
    mov rsi, BIND_FAILED
    jmp .err_msg
    mov rsi, LISTEN_FAILED
    jmp .err_msg
    ; write(rdi: fd, rsi: buffer, rdx: count of bytes to write);
    mov rax, SYSCALL(WRITE)
    mov rdi, 1
    mov rdx, 20 ; Not generic :(

    mov rax, -1
    ; Restore rbx
    mov rbx, QWORD [rsp + 0x10]
    ; Properly return from the function
    mov rsp, rbp
    pop rbp

section .data

    db "socket() failed", 10, 0
    db "bind() failed", 10, 0
    db "listen() failed", 10, 0
    db "accept() failed", 10, 0

What we do is fairly simple, after each system call, we checked the returned value and see if an error is occurred. And instead of copy-pasting the write syscall, we jumped to .err_msg which prints the string that is passed with rsi.

You can see that the length of the string is not generic. We will solve that really soon :)

Running Our Server

Of course, our server won’t do anything right now, but we can at least trace the system calls and see if things work.

DIY: Write the main function that calls socket_listen and edit to compile and run the server.

Let’s create a simple main file main.s:

%include "defines.s"

extern socket_listen

global _main
global main

section .text

    call socket_listen

    mov rax, SYSCALL(EXIT)
    mov rdi, 0

And also change


FILES=(main socket)

if [ "PLATFORM_OSX" = "$1" ]


for f in ${FILES[@]}
    echo 'Building: ' $f
    nasm -d$PLATFORM -f $FORMAT $f.s
    OBJ_FILES+="$f.o "

echo "Linking $OBJ_FILES"
    gcc -Wl,-no_pie $OBJ_FILES -o server
    gcc $OBJ_FILES -o server

To see what’s going on, we can use strace on Linux to trace system calls. You can use dtruss on OS X.

Let’s run strace:

strace ./server

You can see these system calls in the bottom of the output:

bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(4444), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
listen(3, 5)                            = 0

So everything works as expected:

  • The program first creates a socket with the correct arguments, and the socket descriptor 3 is returned from the socket call.
  • It calls bind with the correct address and port and no error is returned.
  • It calls listen with the returned socket file descriptor. It also returns success.
  • Program exits.

strace is a really handy tool to analyze binaries. It tells a lot about what’s going on. So I suggest you experiment with it and read its manual.

Writing Some Helper Functions

Our program works but there are few things that I don’t like.

  1. We are converting port number 4444 to the network byte-order by hand. That should be automized with a function.
  2. Initializing the memory reserved for the address to zero is more convenient than setting the necessary fields to zero.
  3. In .err_msg, we used a single length which is 20 and this is wrong.

For the first part, let’s write a htons function that converts a 2-byte integer (short) from host byte order to network byte order. To do that we just need to swap, the byte order.

In socket.s, on top of socket_listen:

; htons(port)
;    Convert 'port' to network byte-order.
    ; Swap the first and the second byte of 'port'.
    mov dx, di
    mov ax, dx
    ; shift the least significant byte to left, so that it becomes the most significant byte.
    shl ax, 8
    ; shift the MSB of `dx` to right, so that it becomes the LSB.
    shr dx, 8
    ; mov the LSB of `rdx` to the LSB of `rax`.
    mov al, dl


You can see that we did not reserve a stack frame because we didn’t use the stack at all. You might not understand what’s going on at the first look, but please take your time and try to understand the function. I will not explain it :)

To ease things up, you can use gdb to debug the program. And run the function instruction by instruction.

For the second part, let’s write a function that imitates memset. This function will set a particular memory to a value.

In helper.s:

global h_memset

; memset(dst, x, n)
;   starting from [dst], write 'x', to next 'n' bytes
    mov rax, rsi
    mov rcx, rdx
    ; Starting from `rdi`, write `al` to `BYTE [rdi]`, 
    ; and decrement `rcx`. Stop when `rcx` is zero.
    rep stosb

You can see that there is a weird instruction called rep stosb. Actually, it is not like ordinary instruction. It has two parts:

  1. rep means Repeat String Operation. It takes a string operation and repeatedly executes that operation.
    • It repeats an operation the number of times specified in rcx or until the specified condition is met. There are conditional rep’s REPE, REPNE and REPNZ. You can check them from the intel’s developer manual.
  2. stosb means to store byte.
    • It stores al, in the memory location specified in rdi.

Our function gets the destination address from rdi, byte to write from rsi and how many bytes to write from rdx.

For the third part, let’s write a strlen function to find the length of the null-terminated strings.

In helper.s:

global h_memset
global h_strlen

; strlen(str)
;    loop until '\0' is seen and return length of 'str'
    ; We don't want the caller to lose the given string.
    push rdi
    ; `rbx` should be preserved..
    push rbx
    mov rbx, rdi
    ; Set `rax` to zero as the null terminator.
    xor rax, rax
    ; Set `rcx` to zero and substract 1 from it, this makes 
    ; it get the largest value possible.
    xor rcx, rcx
    dec rcx
    ; This time we use `repne` and `scasb`. `repne` will execute
    ; the string operation while ZF = 1.
    ; `scasb` will compare the value stored in the memory address
    ; `rdi` with `rax` and set EFLAGS accordingly. 
    ; So if the destination byte is `rax` which is the null terminator,
    ; `repne` will stop executing.
    repne scasb
    ; Don't count the null terminator at the end of the string.
    sub rax, 2
    ; Check how many times `rcx` is decremented. And that gives us the
    ; length of the string.
    sub rax, rcx
    pop rbx
    pop rdi

DIY: Use the helper functions in socket_listen. Then run and see if they work. If they do not work, don’t give up and use gdb to see what’s wrong. No pain, no gain.

I really want you to integrate these functions into the program - and also I need a break :) - , so I will continue this post in the next part.

Hopefully we will talk about the stack alignment, and complete our program.